Provided by Dr Ross Stewart at Cademuir Medical Ltd SC794188
I have been on the GMC general register and fully licensed to practise since 2008.
Post graduate qualifications include Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons (2011) and Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
My current roles include providing NHS GP services to patients of The State Hospital for Scotland, GP Director of my single clinician private GP clinic, NHS GP locums and medical cover for amateur sporting events.
Previous roles have included five years as GP Partner within a large NHS Health Centre, Clinical Lead for NHS Out of Hours Service and GP locum to practices across Southern Scotland.
I have trained in expert witness report writing under the supervision of Dr Adrian Rees at Inspire Medilaw.
I can provide reports for both defendants and claimants across all categories of liability including breach of duty, causation, condition and prognosis.
Reports are provided to a timescale that aids my clients and delivered in clear and concise manner.
With dedicated daily hours to manage case load, on the day communication via email and phone is offered to clients.
If you would like a copy of my CV or wish to provisionally discuss a case on an informal basis, then please don’t hesitate in contacting me via [email protected]